Select Large Print Titles Available from BBD Publishing

These select large print titles are being made available at a significant discount by special arrangement with The Large Print Book Company with whom BBD Publishing has a long history. (see About BBD Publishing)
Tom’s lifelong passion was sharing ideas and finding common ground with others through the printed word. He rose quickly in his publishing career to president of G. K. Hall & Co., an early innovator in large print publishing. After Hall was acquired by Robert Maxwell, Tom went on his own to launch his own audiobook and large print book company.
Tom used all his skills in service of his community, especially book lovers who needed help accessing the rich resources in literature. Over the years he found his niche focusing on classic English literature in paperback editions.
In 2023, after a four-year shutdown following Tom’s death, the company was reincorporated in Maine, under the stewardship of his niece Val Cooper, who remains dedicated to Tom’s vision of becoming readers’ best source for large print books.
If they don’t have it in large print, they will at least help you find the publisher who does.
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Wuthering Heights
Considered a classic of English literature, Wuthering Heights was Emily Bronte's only novel. It is a highly original tale of the all-consuming and passionate, yet thwarted, love between the orphan who became the wealthy master of Wuthering Heights, Heathcliff, and Catherine Earnshaw, the daughter of the man who rescued him from the streets. The unresolved passion between them survives her death, drives Heathcliff's behavior and reshapes the lives of everyone he knows.
$23.95 $11.98
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." Thus Thoreau begins his account of the two years and two months he spent in a cabin he erected near Walden Pond in Concord, Massachusetts, beginning in 1845. The book is not a traditional autobiography, but combines autobiography with a social critique of contemporary Western culture’s consumerist and materialist attitudes and its distance from and destruction of nature.
$23.95 $11.98
Short Stories of Herman Melville
A new collection of Melville's short stories, including "Bartleby the Scrivner," "Benito Cereno," "Jimmy Rose," "I and My Chimney" and "The AppleTree Table."
$24.95 $12.48
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The first collection of 12 Holmes short stories, the earliest ones published in The Strand magazine. Includes A Scandal in Bohemia, RedHeaded League, Five Orange Pips and the adventures of the Blue Carbuncle and the Copper Beeches.
$22.95 $11.48
O Pioneers!
O Pioneers! is a 1913 novel by Willa Cather, the first novel of her Great Plains trilogy, followed by The Song of the Lark (1915) and My Ántonia (1918). It tells the story of the Bergsons, a family of Swedish-American immigrants in the farm country near the fictional town of Hanover, Nebraska, at the turn of the 20th century. The main character, Alexandra Bergson, inherits the family farmland when her father dies, and she devotes her life to making the farm a viable enterprise, despite others’ many pleas to leave for greener pastures.
$22.95 $11.48
Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen's most famous novel. It traces the shifting and stormy relationship between the apparently arrogant FitzWilliam Darcy and the independent Elizabeth Bennett.
$24.95 $12.48